An Indian Social Development Organization
यधु भावो ततु भवति:
Sanathana Dharma Educational Foundation
Sanathana dharma educational Foundation, an Indian social development organization, is directly benefiting over lakhs of children and their families. We are going to conduct more than 100 live Educational projects on education in over 200 remote villages and urban slums across 25 states of India.
The groundwork for a better life lies in education. It is the most powerful catalyst for social transformation. However, a child cannot be educated in isolation. Only an empowered family, especially the mother, would be willing to educate their child. Thus, rather than focusing on only one stage of a person’s life, we believe in the lifecycle approach.
Education empowers an individual to earn their livelihood and also increases one’s awareness on a range of issues. From healthcare, to appropriate social behavior, to understanding one’s rights – Sanathana dharma educational Foundation seeks to educate, empower and cultivate better citizens.
ISO 9001:2015 Certificate
Our vision is one of transformation and includes engaging in the continuous learning necessary in a rapidly advancing world, identifying and addressing critical issues related to the education of all people, and using technology to broaden and support learning opportunities.
To strive for quality education in keeping with the motto of the Foundation, “यधु भावो ततु भवति:” and prepare young minds for imbibing knowledge, skills and sensitivity.